特別感謝金麥克風贊助:DevotePress / Special Thanks to Gold Mic Media Partner Sponsor: DevotePress

非常感謝 DevotePress 金麥克風贊助 的大力支持!因為有你們讓 WordCamp Taipei 更圓滿!

A huge thank you to our Gold Mic media partner sponsor, DevotePress, for helping to make WordCamp Taipei a success!

贊助商資訊 / Sponsorship Information

DevotePress is a go-to blog for everything and literally anything WordPress. We are dedicated to WordPress and cover every possible news and events regarding WordPress. We also provide WP tutorials, tips & tricks, exclusive interviews and more.

DevotePress has been the official media partner for almost every WordCamp that has happened in Nepal till date. Our recent recognition as an official media partner was at WordCamp Europe 2019. We are more than happy to be part of these events.

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