Continue reading “與 WordCamp Taipei Team 有約 / A Date with WordCamp Taipei Team”
走進社群,步出世界。Meet People, Meet the World.
Thanks to our speakers for the amazing speech! Here are the slideshows that you are eagerly looking forward to. Enjoy learning!
Continue reading “講者簡報及影片紀錄 / Speaker’s Slideshows & WordPress TV”WordCamp Taipei 2019 已於 12 月 28 號盛大舉辦。感謝所有前來參與的會眾支持。以下是我們針對本此活動所調查的問卷結果,問卷回覆數量總共 111 份。此份問券調查會交由下一屆 WordCamp Taipei 主辦人做為參考,盡可能地改善,謝謝大家踴躍的給予寶貴的意見。
WordCampTaipei 2019 was held successfully on December 28th. Thank you for participating in the event. We have collected post-event surveys from 111 attendees. We will pass on the survey results to the next organisers. Thank you for helping us to make WordCamp Taipei better!
Continue reading “WordCamp Taipei 2019 Survey Results 會後問券調查”如果你發表了 WordCamp Taipei 2019 的心得文章,歡迎隨時聯絡我們!此文持續更新中。
If you have published an article about WordCamp Taipei 2019, please contact us anytime! This article will be updated regularly.
Continue reading “WordCamp Taipei 2019 參與心得分享 / WordCamp Taipei 2019 Articles”