活動當天 12/28 開放閃電秀報名 / Lightning Talks Registration Open During the Event Day (December 28th)


沒報名 WordCamp Taipei 2019 講者,但你有想法忍不住要跟其他人分享嗎?
那麼「閃電秀」就是為你準備的舞台!5 分鐘上台的機會,讓你盡情分享創意、點子,任何跟 WordPress 有關的主題。驚豔台下 500 位聽眾吧!



參加閃電秀沒有限制、沒有規則、沒有問答橋段,只要內容跟 WordPress 有關,任何人都可以參與!如果你有分享的熱誠,當創意從腦海中迸發,非常歡迎你上台用最快的速度,告訴台下觀眾你的一切。


WordCamp Taipei 2019 總共保留了一小時給想要分享的你,只要在活動當天早上 08:30 ~ 11:00 於報到台投稿,就有機會被抽中上台,獲得 5 分鐘發表的機會!

能夠在 500 位觀眾面前分享,這種機會並不多。閃電秀是你挑戰自我、展現價值的最好機會!


總時數:1 小時


時段:12:00 ~ 13:00 或 13:15 ~ 14:15 (尚未定案)

演講時間:5 分鐘 (時間包含設備連接)

報名方式:當天早上 08:30 ~ 11:00 於報到台投稿

設備:大會議室的投影設備是 HDMI ,請講者自備轉接設備

接受投稿範圍:WordPress 相關

投稿方式:11:10 分抽籤 10 位,11:30 電話通知,電話通知不到視同放棄



If you didn’t register the WordCamp Taipei 2019 speaker, but you still have lots of ideas want to share us – Lightning talk will be the best chance for you to stand on the stage!
You have 5 minutes to share whatever topics that are related to WordPress. Promote yourself and stun 500 audiences!

What is Lightning Talk?

A lightning talk is a very short talk last only a few minutes given at a conference or a similar forum. It’s quick and easy. Several lightning talks will usually be delivered by different speakers in a single session.

There is no rule or limitation for registering the lightning talk. If the topics are related to WordPress, everyone could join! What you need is the passion to share. When ideas came into your mind, don’t hesitate to stand on the stage and share with the audience at the fastest speed.

How to submit lightning talk?

The lightning talk session will last one hour and each speaker has only 5 minutes to share. You will need to register for the lightning talk in person at the conference at 8:30 – 11: 00 on the event day. After that, we will draw names and announce who will be speaking that afternoon.

It’s a rare chance to share with 500 audiences. The lightning talks will be a great way for you to challenge and also promote yourself!

Information for Lightning Talk Submission

Lightning talk session: One hour

Venue: International Conference Hall

Time: 12:00 ~ 13:00 or 13:15 ~ 14:15 (To be announced)

Presentation: 5 minutes. (Including time to set up your presentation)

Registration: Please register for lightning talks in person at the conference at 8:30 – 11: 00 on the event day

Equipment: The projector comes with an HDMI output port. You’ll need to bring an HDMI adapter if your laptop doesn’t support it.

Topics: Should be related to WordPress

Review process: we will draw names at 11:10, and contact you through phone at 11:30. If we can’t reach you, the opportunity will pass on to the next person.

(All information are subject to change. The announcement on the day of the event would be final.)