經過團隊的審核規劃,我們很高興宣布WordCamp Taipei 2019 議程表正式出爐!
議程採 3 軌制的方式進行。今年的議題選定,我們考量了講題領域、難易度、語言、聽眾族群等面向,盡可能涵蓋更多元、更豐富的主題。不論你是設計師、部落客或是開發人員,相信你都能在每個時段找到自己有興趣的主題,收穫滿滿!
除了既有的講者議程外,活動當天中午 12:00~13:00 將舉行閃電講活動,提供台下聽眾自由分享的舞台,有興趣的朋友請參考如何報名閃電講。
準備好參與一年一度的台灣 WordPress 盛會了嗎?今年門票開放購票時間為 2019/09/30 21:00 CST,有興趣的朋友請把握機會,期待在 WordCamp Taipei 與你相見!
After a thorough review and planning, we are happy to announce that the official WordCamp Taipei 2019 schedule is published!
The schedule is split into 3 tracks. To ensure that everyone from different backgrounds can get the most out of the event, we have considered the following aspects: topic categories, difficulty, language and audience backgrounds. Whether you are a designer, marketer, blogger or developer, we believe you can find a topic that interests you!
Other than regular speaking sessions, there are lightning talks from 12 pm to 1 pm. This allows any attendees to share freely on the state just like other speakers. If you are interested, please read the announcement.
Sessions in the afternoon are planned staggered so you have more time to participate in the conference games and win more swags, visit the sponsors and meet new friends!
Are you ready for WordCamp Taipei 2019? Ticket sales will start at 21:00 on Sep. 30, 2019, CST. Look forward to seeing you there!
For more session details, please visit the sessions page or speakers page.
Please note that schedule, sessions and speakers may be subject to change.