
WordPress 台北小聚三創場主辦 – 江弘竣
現在台灣 WordPress 小聚發展越來越迅速,從三年前的台北第一場,到目前一個月多達 15 場的全台各地小聚。大家應該都很好奇,一開始是怎麼發生的呢?
其實 WordPress 很早就有線上社團,那時的社團人數已有兩萬多人,這是一個非常大的數字,可是在當時,社團的活動就僅止於「線上」。看了國外的模式,不只有固定的 WordPress 線下交流聚會,甚至有 WordCamp 大型年會,我覺得很棒!一方面會認為線上的交流有點太「速食」,很少有機會進展到一個真實、面對的互動,就好像無政府狀態,沒什麼凝聚感。另一方面也覺得,國外辦那麼久,也那麼成功,那為什麼我們不做呢?我想,其實很多人都已經接收到這個訊息,也認為可行,但一直「沒有人」做這件事,大家都期待這個「沒有人」總有一天會出現,結果是就這樣等了很久,但這樣是很可惜的,在一念之間就想:這次就來當那個「沒有人」吧!
談談第一場的 WordPress 小聚
在有這樣的想法以後,起初先找了社團內的管理員們出來小聚,其實對於辦小聚,大家都很有共嗚,也都非常支持應該去做。那時目標就放在 WordCamp,不過有個前提:那就是 WordPress 小聚在同一地區必須每個月至少一次,並持續六個月以上才行。於是以此為目標,找了咖啡廳做為場地,並把小聚的活動發佈出去,漸漸地,就有越來越多人參與了。
場地就是一點。我們從一開始只有八個人,到後來十幾、二十幾人,當時咖啡廳就直接和我們說:「很抱歉,沒辦法負擔這人數的活動!」直到後來遇到參加活動的 HaWay 介紹,開始了在 Gandi 公司場地的交流。想起來也真的很感謝 Gandi 的支援,完全免費提供場地及設備,同時也非常支持開源理念及這樣交流活動。
後來在舉辦第一場 WordCamp 的時候,心裏其實難免會焦慮:想著要是沒贊助怎麼辦?沒有講者、沒人參加怎麼辦?甚至也有想過,何不乾脆把人數目標降低的駝鳥心態,想讓事情比較容易一點……但這些潛在問題和心裡壓力,其實在這麼多夥伴共同參與下,真正放手去做之後就會消失了。你會發現當自己真正想做一件對大家有幫助的事時,所有人、甚至全世界都會幫助你!
真要說「第二個」,並不是很正確。因為這件事是「同時發生」的,最先開始應該是台中王大 (王昱程),王大一開始是台北小聚的成員,後來因為個人考量搬回台中定居,隨後也展開在台中的小聚,而再來是板橋 Erin Lin、之後是桃園 Eric、新竹 Gorden、台南藝庭、南投 Ben …等。大家都算是接著進行,並且彼此鼓勵。我也沒有去指定誰會是「下一個」。一開始就不斷和大家說可以將小聚推廣到其他地區,主辦小聚這件事情,不在於你的能力、技術有多好,任何人都可以做到這件事情。本來就沒有人是全能,你有你擅長的事,我也有我的。但你不會因為今天才剛使用 WordPress,就不能分享、不能聚集交流的人。因為這個平台非——常的大,牽涉的範圍也非常的廣。只要你認同開源精神,想推廣分享其價值,讓小聚精神在各地發光,都非常歡迎!
剛剛提到了 Gandi,你主辦的小聚在 Gandi 辦了很長的時間,將近兩年。這次將場地移至了三創育成中心,很多人都覺得滿新鮮的。為什麼會有這次的轉變?
其實很單純,一個好的東西、好的活動,也許不應該只限於一個固定的地方,比如說我們在內湖 Gandi 辦了很久,但是對很多人來說內湖很遠,距離上可能會讓他們打退堂鼓。這次做的嘗試,就是希望能藉由新的環境,讓不同地區的朋友也能更方便的參與,讓這些好的能量能更擴散出去,也許哪次我們又回到了 Gandi 也不一定。
另外一點是如果有人想和我輪流主辦來練習台風與融入過程,也很歡迎喔!換一個人、換一個形式,都能夠創造很多新想法幫助交流,這就好像 WordPress 外掛模組一樣,是可以互相作用,產生不同的效果。不管是場地、還是主辦人,大家都是平等的,沒有誰強誰弱。只要把目標放在好的資源,能讓全部的人一起共享,這時就不限於是 WordPress 的主題,而是找到了更好的生活態度,真正的生「活」。
開源精神:公平、公正公開,人人平等。站在這些原則下,就可以讓大家享有很多美好的交流了。在台灣,大家享有很幸福的自由交流權益,真是非常珍貴,希望大家能夠一起守護,透過參與去支持。其實不只是 WordPress,這就好像一種社會運動,台灣目前的 WordPress 有了不錯的發展,但日本社群比我們早了十年以上,表示我們還有更多能夠進步的空間,每個人能做的一定比自己想得更多,與其期待其他人去做,不管是政府也好、其他單位也好、還是你的鄰居,不如今天就捲起袖子自己來做吧!這個想法,可以反饋在社會上、許多其他領域裡。我去證明了自己可以參與這件事,那麼其他人當然也能如此心態參與你所熟悉的領域。交流能量是很珍貴的,我現在所做的,就是現在這個時機、年齡裡,讓我去發揮我所能夠發揮的力道,不要留下遺憾,We are not alonog!
WordPress 台北小聚三創場基本資料
主辦人: 江弘竣
舉辦次數:34 場 (統計至 2019/07)
平均參與人數: 20 人左右
[Tainan WordPress Meetup] 覺得自己很弱,表示已經打開了學習的大門!
[Banqiao WordPress Meetup] 這件事真的很好玩!WordPress 讓我們有機會聚在一起!
[Changhua WordPress Meetup] 架站只是第一步!沒人天生就會,放手去玩吧!
[Xinzhuang WordPress Meetup] WordPress 真的是一個接觸「架站」很好的開始!
If you want to achieve something, just do it! If what your goal is for the common good, everyone will unite together and back you up – the power of sharing is built by the whole community.
– Taipei WordPress meetup organizer, Hung-Chun Chiang
I always encourage WordPress users to gather together more often, to spread the power of sharing. The process, I would say, is like a “direct selling”. You don’t have to give away anything, and people won’t take anything from you. If you feel like you have gained something through sharing, you will drive yourself to keep doing it and passing on positives.
WordPress meetups in Taiwan grow fast recently. Three years ago, the first meetup was held in Taipei. Now there are 15 meetups around Taiwan every month. How did the first WordPress meetup in Taipei begin?
Taiwan WordPress online group has existed for a long time and it has over 20,000 members. However, the interaction between the group members was only established online. I found there are well-organized monthly WordPress meetups and yearly WordCamps in other countries. I started thinking that the online interaction is fragile compared to a face-to-face meetup. If people in other countries could keep on holding the meetups, why couldn’t we start our first meetup in Taiwan? A lot of people were thinking or asking how come nobody ever hosts a WordPress event? Everyone is expecting somebody to step forward but nobody ever did. Rather than expecting somebody to be the organizer, I decided to be the “nobody” myself holding the first WordPress meetup in Taipei.
How did the next WordPress meetup start? Could you talk about the process?
Several meetups started almost at the same time. To be more specific, Mr. Wang from Taichung was the organizer holding the next WordPress Meetup. At first, Mr. Wang was one of the members in Taipei WordPress meetup. After he moved back to Taichung, he started to organize Taichung WordPress meetup. Following by Erin Lin from Banqiao, Eric from Taoyuan, Gorden from Hsinchu, Yiting from Tainan, Ben from Nantou, more and more organizers volunteered to hold the meetups near their residences and encouraged each other.
I have never assigned anyone to start organizing meetups. I simply encouraged people in the WordPress community that they could start holding meetups outside Taipei. There are no requirements of skills to hold the meetups. Anyone could make it happen. If you recognize the spirit of the open source community, or you feel like sharing its value and help grow the meetups, we welcome you to join!
The spirits of open source are fairness, justness and equality. Based on these principles, people could easily share. It’s precious to have freedom to share and speak in Taiwan; I hope everyone could cherish and support. The spirits of open source are not just about WordPress, it is more like a social movement. Japan WordPress community starts ten years earlier than Taiwan. Even though Taiwan WordPress community has grown a lot, we still have lots of work to do to make it better. Rather than expecting somebody to be the leader or organizer, you can be the first one! Are you the “nobody” who step forward? The power of sharing is wonderful, what I want to do now, is to spread positive energy with my best without regrets. We are not alone!
Taipei WordPress meetup in StarRocket
Organizer : Hung-Chun Chiang
Bio : An information enthusiast who stands for “People got improved in order to be a slacker”
Meetups held : 34 ( as of 2019/07 )
Average participants : 20
First WordPress meetup : 2016/10
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Taipei-WordPress/