參加 WordPress 的人有各式各樣,大部分的人有自己的工作、自己的目標,都可以用 WordPress 做到他們想要的東西。
WordPress 新竹小聚主辦 Allen / Gorden
這樣一個交流管道,除了聽主講人分享,也多分享自己, WordPress 小聚就是這樣的性質,在交流之下發揮力量。
感謝 Gorden 和 Allen 接受今天的採訪,第一次採訪雙人主辦,滿特別的!那麼想請問新竹小聚是誰先開始的?為什麼?
Gorden:是我先開始的。我先是參加板橋小聚之後,一直在想,為什麼新竹都沒有這樣的聚會呢?加上當時自己也在架站,覺得要是每次有問題都要跑去北部,好像沒那麼方便……就想到:「對啊!為什麼新竹不辦?」有了這個想法,馬上跑去問當時的內湖小聚主辦——阿竣,要怎麼開始一場 WordPress 的小聚?他很直接說:「都可以!想辦就能辦!」衝著這句話,我開始製作小聚的參加問卷,從去年11月開始了第一場 WordPress 新竹小聚,一開始會很擔心要是沒人來怎麼辦?阿竣也鼓勵我,就算只有一人來參加也沒關係!結果第一次來的人也不少,有七八個左右!比我想像的要多很多……真的很感謝大家。
Allen:我自己使用 WordPress 大概有4、5年的時間了。看到 Gorden 在板上告訴大家要舉辦新竹小聚,心想這是一個很難得的機會!假如沒有 Gorden 起頭,我自己、或其他人,就算有這樣的想法,可能也不會這麼積極主動的去促成這件事。第一次參加後,覺得這平台真的很好!有了一個人號召,讓在地生活圈的人,很自然的有個地方可以參與,認識 WordPress 的同好。但是我也開始擔心:讓 Gorden 自己弄這些事,似乎有點辛苦!好不容易有了新竹小聚,如果 Gorden 他哪一天覺得太累,突然就不辦了。那麼在新竹這裡的小小火苗,可能就因此熄滅……那接下來再「復出」,我想沒那麼容易。
Gorden: 應該是一種默契吧!也沒特別說誰要去做什麼。有時候我比較忙,Allen 這邊就會幫我發佈訊息。或者是遇到天氣不好、更換地點的臨時情況,但這時間我人常都在公司,就會讓 Allen 幫忙這部分。
Allen:補充一下。因為 Gorden 的工作性質,通常身上只帶手機,沒有那麼方便做線上管理;因此小聚的線上報名、圖文宣傳通常是由我協助。其他重要的工作,比如說場地接洽、接洽講者、聯絡參加小聚的夥伴,主要是 Gorden 負責。但也沒特別限制工作範圍,我們都會互相支援。
有時也會看一下其他的小聚,最近和 Allen 討論過後,把閃電講也加入小聚活動裡,由我們親自示範,讓大家知道什麼是閃電秀,知道這是一個容易參與、可以很隨性去分享的活動。
Allen:讓小聚繼續辦下去是很重要的事情,不要少掉任何一次。我也有和 Gorden 討論過,其實人少的時候,更應該要辦!假如今天報名的人不多,就想:「那停辦一次,應該沒關係吧?」也許就會錯失了可能前一天、臨時才決定要參加的人;到了下個月,也會有一些人想著:「新竹小聚應該已經停辦了吧?」我們不要讓想參加的夥伴有這樣的疑慮。只要想來的話,新竹小聚就會一直在這裡。
Allen:真的可以遇到形形色色的人,比如推廣中西合併另類醫療的長者、身在工業建模領域卻投身寫鄉土誌的部落客,當然也有專注在網站前後端的專業工作者等,除了 WordPress 本身,也能有機會瞭解他們的工作和經歷,真的很有趣。
剛剛聽了很多有趣的例子!謝謝 Gorden 和 Allen 接受今天的訪問,最後請說說你們想對 WordPress 台灣社群說的話!
參加 WordPress 小聚的人有各式各樣,大部分的人有著自己的本職工作,或是產出不同的內容, WordPress 網站只是他們經營的一環;但也因為參加了小聚,我們才有這個機會去認識他們。我自己的工作,經常要在電腦前坐上 10 個小時以上,能有這樣一個平台,將大家聚在一起,面對面互相認識,見識不同可能性,是很難得的。這不僅是增進 WordPress 應用上的可能,或許也會成為夥伴們未來一起合作的開端!我認為這就是小聚最珍貴的地方。
Gorden:WordPress 可以做很多事情!
來參加小聚的人,大家都有自己的目標,都可以用 WordPress 做到他們想要的東西。這樣一個溝通交流管道,希望可以一直在台灣持續下去,不只是來聽主講人分享,也多分享自己做的內容, WordPress 小聚就是這樣的性質,大家都是平等的。
未來也希望 WordPress 能繼續遍地開花,越來越好!我愛 WordPress !
WordPress 新竹小聚基本資料
主辦人: Gorden、Allen chu
Gorden 平常為賣命努力工作的”科技薪跪”,空閒時則喜歡輕鬆玩 WordePress、寫網頁。
Allen Chu 在交大資訊中心,應用 WordPress 開發網頁已經有 4 年的時間,對新技術無限渴望,永不放棄追求精進和純熟的機會。
舉辦次數: 11 場(統計至 2019/10)
平均參與人數:12 人左右
[Taipei WordPress Meetup] 交流的能量,是大家一起創造出來的!
[Tainan WordPress Meetup] 覺得自己很弱,表示已經打開了學習的大門!
[Banqiao WordPress Meetup] 這件事真的很好玩!WordPress 讓我們有機會聚在一起!
[Changhua WordPress Meetup] 架站只是第一步!沒人天生就會,放手去玩吧!
[Xinzhuang WordPress Meetup] WordPress 真的是一個接觸「架站」很好的開始!
[Taichung WordPress Meetup] 重新定義「專家」這件事!
[North Taoyuan WordPress Meetup] 「條條道路通羅馬」——多做,多嘗試吧!
Various kinds of people attend WordPress meetups; most of them have their own jobs and goals and they can achieve their goal using WordPress.
– Gordan and Allen, WordPress Hsinchu Meetups organisers .
This is a platform where people listen and share. That’s what the meetup is about, helping people while they communicate with others.
How do you divide the job between you two?
Gorden: We kinda just work really well together! We don’t usually assign tasks. Sometimes, when I am busy, Allen helps me update posts. He also takes care of things when the weather is bad or we need to change the place, but I happen to be at the office.
Allen: I’d like to add that because of the nature of his work, Gordon often only has his mobile phone with him, and it’s difficult for him to manage things online. So, most of the time, I’d be responsible for creating sign-up sheets and advertising the meetup. And Gorden is responsible for other important work, such as contacting venue owners, speakers, and participants. We never clearly say who should do what; we just help each other out when we can.
Meet Interesting People
Allen: You can literally meet all kinds of people. I’ve met someone who is promoting alternative treatment that combines Western and Chinese medicine, an industrial designer/blogger who writes about local culture, and, of course, professional frontend and backend developers. Apart from WordPress, I also get to learn about their experience, which is very interesting.
Gorden: I remember someone who makes perfume and a website about mullet roe. That was really cool! He taught himself to develop websites but his websites looked really professional, an example of people doing things out of passion and becoming very skilled at them. That’s brilliant!
We’ve heard a lot of interesting examples. A big thank you to Gorden and Allen. Is there anything you want to say to the Taiwanese WordPress community?
Allen: Embrace the community and infinite possibilities await.
Many different kinds of people come to WordPress meetups. Most have a job and create different content. WordPress is just a part of their business. But because of the meetup, we get to know them. For my job, I need to sit in front of the computer for more than 10 hours. The meetup brings people together and provides a chance for them to interact with each other in person and see different possibilities. It’s a rare chance. It helps people not only develop their WordPress skills but also create co-working opportunities. That’s what I like about the meetup.
Gorden: WordPress can be applied in many different fields!
People who come to the meetup have their own goals, which can be achieved through WordPress. I hope this platform for people to communicate and share information would continue to grow in Taiwan. And participants would not only listen to speakers but also share what they are doing. In the meetup, everyone is equal and has the right to say what they want.
I hope WordPress becomes more and more popular! I love WordPress!
Hsinchu WordPress meetup
Organizer: Gorden、Allen chu
Bio: Gorden is a hard-working tech person who likes to spend his free time playing with WordPress and build websites.
Allen Chu works at NCTU Information Technology Service Center. He has been developing WordPress websites for 4 years and is eager to learn new technology. He never let go of opportunities to improve skills.
Meetup held: 11 (as of 2019/10)
Average participants: around 12 participants
First WordPress meetup: 2018/11