WordPress 彰化小聚主辦俊明
WordPress 入門容易,但經營並不簡單。架站只是第一步,之後在網站維護、資訊安全、備份等方面還有必須持續學習的地方。如果你對網路經營有興趣,不要想太多,找到合適的主機開始玩就對了!
「什麼?彰化居然有 WordPress 小聚!」對於這樣又驚又喜的聲音,說說小聚的一開始吧!
在開辦的消息公佈在社團時,有幾位彰化的夥伴非常驚訝:「什麼?彰化居然有 WordPress 小聚!」但很可惜這個月不方便參加,必須等到一、兩個月之後。我回覆:「好!我會等你們!讓彰化小聚持續下去!」在一兩個月後的今天,他們果真加入了我們!其中一位還是我們這次的講者!
在彰化,數位行銷的相關資訊及活動並沒有像台北、台中那麼密集。因此身為土生土長的彰化人,自然會去思考是不是有機會能夠將 WordPress 小聚的交流文化帶進彰化?初期真的很怕沒有人,但是當時昱程 (WordPress 台中小聚主辦) 和其他主辦都鼓勵我,不用想太多——反正 「有人來就照常舉行!沒人來,我們聊聊天也好啊!」 就這樣,第一場 WordPress 彰化小聚開始了!
從一個對 WordPress 完全不懂的人,經過不斷摸索以及社群的力量,自我成長、也解決了很多問題,所以一直想為 WordPress 社群做點什麼。成為地區小聚主辦是一個開始,因為這能回饋地區使用者,讓彰化人知道附近就有一個小聚活動可以參加。雖然期間因為參加人數起起伏伏,內心受到些許影響,但至少我站出來之後,讓 WordPress 彰化地區的使用者,能有個方便交流的場所,遇到任何問題,能彼此交流,知道互相的優點,也了解「什麼」樣的問題可以找「誰」來協助,實在非常有收穫。此外,對我來說最大的幫助是「準備簡報」,因為在分享個人所知所學的過程,表達能力也跟著進步,而且進步得非常多!
日後也許彰化小聚可能會變成二至三位共同主辦,保持各種可能性。目前彰化小聚仍處於剛起步的階段,主要還是希望能有更多穩定參加彰化小聚的夥伴。當然,持續的經營還是最重要的事;最近申請了 Meetup 的系統,下個月就會在 WordPress 後台直接看到彰化小聚的消息了!
在剛開始前幾場的彰化小聚是由我來分享,由於自己並不是 WordPress 相關的專業人士,我的專長是 SEO,所以分享的主題會比較入門,像是編輯器、網域設定等等,這次小聚 (2019/8) 是第一次有其它講者來分享,或許只是一些小的改變,彰化小聚也才進行到第四場,但我覺得它的確漸漸變得更好、更上軌道了!
謝謝彰化小聚主辦俊明!你身上穿著 2018 WordCamp 的 T 恤,來分享一下吧!
真的很震撼!那時接觸 WordPress 才半年,在社群上看到了 WordCamp 的訊息,內容豐富加上門票也不貴,覺得非常值得,就報名參加了!從此整個對 WordPress 社群大改觀!但同時也很納悶:這個「東西」,它讓你使用、卻不和你收錢,還能辦出了一個這樣的大型活動,到底為什麼?這一切真是太神奇了!
無論你是出於個人或是商業用途使用 WordPress,它能辦到的事很多!大家共同去學習,也很熱情的在學習後給予回饋,這份熱情會互相感染!當時的我心想,要是哪天有機會,也要來回饋社群,就和現在的大家一樣!也許在那一刻,就有了一個彰化小聚的小小起點呢!
最後也感謝各位志工、參與人員,努力共同完成 WordCmap 這個大工程!今年 2019 WordCamp 也要加油,辛苦了!
WordPress 彰化小聚基本資料
自介:SEO 策劃師、數位行銷人員,因為需要自建網站、實驗 SEO 操作,才加入這個大家庭,一路也受到很多前輩伙伴的照顧,更因此想回饋家鄉、成立小聚的集會。
舉辦次數:4 場 (統計至 2019/8)
平均參與人數:5 人左右
[Taipei WordPress Meetup] 交流的能量,是大家一起創造出來的!
[Tainan WordPress Meetup] 覺得自己很弱,表示已經打開了學習的大門!
[Banqiao WordPress Meetup] 這件事真的很好玩!WordPress 讓我們有機會聚在一起!
[Xinzhuang WordPress Meetup] WordPress 真的是一個接觸「架站」很好的開始!
Most people worried about how they could build a website without writing codes. What I want to say is: you can start even though you know nothing about programming! No one is born to know everything.
– Dreaming Wu, Changhua WordPress Meetup Organizer
Starting WordPress is easy, but continuing running the website is the hard part. Building a website is only the first step. You still need to learn how to maintain, secure and back up your site. If you are interested in owning a website, don’t think too much and start by finding a hosting!
Join the community or participate in meetups, usually, you will get an answer if ask your questions. It’s fun so just jump right in!
How do you feel when you transform from an attendee to an organizer?
For someone who knows nothing about WordPress, the process of researching and the power of the community, I have solved lots of problems and grown. I have been thinking to return the favors and organizing meetups is a start. A meetup can help local users, specifically for Changhua residents. It is hard to continue without people joining, but at least I provided a place for local users to connect and help each other after I start the meetups. People learn to find the right person to ask proper questions and they do learn during the process. Most importantly, I realized it’s essential to prepare slideshows.
It’s hard to imagine how much I have learned in the process when I start sharing.
Thank you for sharing, Dreaming. Can you share why you’re wearing WordCamp Taipei 2018’s t-shirt?
It’s unbelievable to hear WordCamp is actually happening. I only know WordPress for a half year and learned this news. The conference ticket was cheap, plenty of sessions and rich schedule were very appealing. Since I attended the conference, it changed my perspective of the WordPress community. It also got me thinking, why would WordPress be free of charge and local community even hold such a great event? It is truly magical!
No matter you are using WordPress for yourself or a business, it can do a lot more than you can imagine! The passion will spread when people learn and share. That’s when I decided to give back to the community like everyone else. That’s how Changhua WordPress meetup started.
I want to thank all the volunteers and organizers pulled off a spectacular WordCamp. Best wishes for WordCamp Taipei 2019!
Changhua WordPress meetup
Organizer:Dreaming Wu
Bio:Digital marketing & SEO strategist. Joined WordPress family because of the occupation. Received generous help from the community and eventually give back by organizing meetups for the local community.
Meetup held:4 (as of 2019/8)
Average participants:5
First WordPress meetup:2019/05