2018 年 10 月 21 日,在眾多贊助者的協助下,台灣第一場國際級的 WordPress 盛會 WordCamp Taipei (WCTPE) 完美落幕。如果沒有各位贊助者們的協助,台灣 WordPress 社群想必沒有辦法達成如此重要的里程碑。
今年 12 月 28 日,我們希望將 WordCamp Taipei 的規模帶向另一個新的紀元:更大、更好、更多交流火花的國際級綜合研討會。為此,我們敬邀所有認同且支持開源精神與 WordPress 社群價值的各位,一同襄助這場盛典,向來自世界各地、各領域的與會者說:「WordPress 社群永遠與大家同在。」
為什麼要贊助 WordCamp Taipei 2019?
WCTPE 2019 的參加人數,將會是 WCTPE 2018 的 2 倍,與會者橫跨工程師、設計師、行銷人員與內容生產者,在如此與 WordPress 緊密關聯的生態鏈底下,我們可以有自信的說,WCTPE 是觸及產業範圍最廣的開源社群。
WCTPE 2019 以《社群》為主題,將透過規劃各式各樣贊助商活動,提供與會者與贊助商對話的契機,除了從中對贊助者的品牌與服務、有更深刻的認識外,同時也希望能夠透過這些資訊交流與溝通,創造出社群、使用者與贊助者之間更緊密的共生關係。
贊助 WordCamp Taipei 2019 前
- 對於個人、工作室或自由接案者,我們提供台幣 $1,850 (美金 $60) 元 的微型贊助方案,除了活動當天的門票外,我們也邀請微型贊助的贊助者一同參與會前與會後晚宴
- 對於公司、事業體、團體,我們提供台幣 $8,000 到 $100,000 (美金 $270 到 $3,350) 元不同等級的贊助方案,依據不同方案,我們提供贊助商不同的品牌曝光版位,同時我們將會提供法人贊助者用以扣抵稅金的統一發票,讓贊助者的支持能夠更有價值的被運用。
- 贊助者基於商業模式無法支持 GPL 所揭示的開源精神
- 贊助者基於商業模式無法公開支持 WordPress 及其相關服務
如何贊助 WordCamp Taipei 2019?
贊助款項最終將匯入所屬 WordCamp Central 的 PBC 基金會,除了解決我們主辦方金流壓力以及增加後續舉辦彈性,另一方面也是透過這樣的贊助能讓基金會持續運作,協助全球 (包括我們) 舉辦 WordCamp 的團隊能夠共享社群資源。
WordCamp Taipei 2019 也接受實物贊助 (In-Kind),若贊助項目為活動所必需資源(場地、飲食、印刷..等)可視贊助資源金額對應上述表格方案等級;若為非必需資源須再與活動主辦討論贊助項目,贊助級別為「In-Kind」。
匯入海外 WordCamp PBC 基金會(個人、外籍法人建議)
直接將贊助款項匯入 WordCamp PBC 基金會,基金會會支應本次會議中所有支出。無法開立台灣統一發票,可開立 WordCamp PBC 基金會之繳費憑單 (invoice)。匯款時以美金計價。
贊助 WordCamp Taipei 2019 後
不論是個人或是法人的贊助者,WCTPE 2019 都將邀請贊助者一同參與會前與會後的晚宴,期待透過晚宴期間的對話,迸發出不一樣的火花。
Call for sponsor has ended. Thank you for all the support!
On October 21, 2018, the very first WordCamp in Taiwan achieved a successful conference event with all the supports of sponsors. Without generous sponsors, WordCamp Taipei would not have achieved this milestone.
This year WordCamp Taipei will be held on December 28th, 2019. We plan to take the event to the next level by increasing conference size, planning more sessions and providing all sponsors with a booth. We sincerely invite you to support the spirit of open source and recognize the value of the WordPress community. Let’s gather again and let all the participants know that the “WordPress community is for everyone!”
Why Sponsoring WordCamp Taipei 2019?
We are expecting to scale up twice bigger compared to last year. The attendees are formed by developers, designers, marketers, and writers from all industries. Therefore, WordCamp Taipei is the best place for you to support open source and expand your business.
The theme for WordCamp Taipei 2019 is “ Community ”. Through conference games, sponsors can chat with the attendees and increase your branding or product awareness. By the community connection, we hope that WCTPE will unite the Taiwan WordPress community and build a closer relationship between WordPress users and sponsors.
Before you sponsor WordCamp Taipei 2019
We would like to introduce you to several flexible sponsorship level packages. We hope every sponsor can find the best plan and create a win-win partnership between attendees, sponsors, and organizers.
- For individuals, small businesses and freelancers, we offer $1850 TWD ($60 USD) micro-sponsorships that includes 1 conference event ticket, 1 pre-event party ticket and 1 After Party ticket.
- For companies and organizations, we offer tiered sponsorship levels between $8,000 – $100,000 TWD ($270 – $3,350 USD). Sponsors will get various exposure depending on the sponsorship level. We can also provide Taiwan receipt if necessary.
Important Notice
Any sponsors involved in the WordCamp in an official role is representing WordPress. All sponsors should meet the following requirements for promotion by WordCamp Taipei 2019:
- respect the WordPress trademark
- embrace the WordPress license; If distributing WordPress-derivative works (themes, plugins, WP distros), any person or business officially associated with WordCamp should give their users the same freedoms that WordPress itself provides: 100% GPL or compatible, the same guidelines we follow on WordPress.org.
- don’t promote companies or people that violate the trademark or distribute WordPress derivative works which aren’t 100% GPL compatible
How to Sponsor WordCamp Taipei 2019?
All sponsorship funds will be paid to the WordPress Community Support, PBC. WPCS helps organizers to host a WordCamp with ease. Surplus funds from WordCamp will be retained by WordPress Community Support for the support of other official WordPress community events and programs, including local meetups and user group events.
In-kind sponsorships are welcome. In-kind sponsors that help with essential resources such as venue, beverage, food, printings, etc., could be upgraded as other sponsorship levels according to its cash value. If you wish to donate non-essential resources, please reach out to us and we can work out details on the in-kind sponsorship.
Donation in TWD to Open Culture Foundation (Recommend for Taiwan-based companies)
We collaborate with Open Culture Foundation (OCF), which is the financial entity supporting and managing all expenses involved with this event. This allows local sponsors to donate in TWD and receive a Taiwan receipt.
Donation in USD to the WordPress Community Support, PBC ( Recommend for individual or overseas companies)
Sponsorship transaction would be paid in USD to the WordPress Community Support, PBC, which is the financial entity supporting and managing all expenses involved with this event. A sponsor invoice will be issued directly from WPCS. We do not issue a Taiwan receipt for this payment method.
After Sponsoring WordCamp Taipei 2019
Whether you are an individual or a company, we sincerely invite you to join the pre-event dinner and After Party. You will be able to network with all the organizers, speakers and sponsors and find new opportunities.
Sponsors that have a booth will be able to connect better with attendees. We will plan conference games to encourage attendees to engage with your business, increasing the recognition of your brand and services.
詳細贊助方案 / Sponsorship Packages
星海級 Galaxy |
環球級 Global |
天下級 National |
總名額 Total Spots |
3 | 4 | 3 |
贊助金額 Amount |
$100,000 NTD ($3,350 USD) |
$65,000 NTD ($2,170 USD) |
$40,000 NTD ($1,350 USD) |
扣稅單據 Receipts for Tax |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
會前晚宴門票 (張) Pre-Camp Dinner (tickets) |
4 | 3 | 3 |
活動門票 (張) Conference Event (tickets) |
7 | 6 | 5 |
會後晚宴門票 (張) After Party (tickets) |
4 | 3 | 3 |
社群媒體曝光 (篇)* Social Media Promotions (posts)* |
2 | 2 | 2 |
網站致謝文 Thank-you Blog Post on Official Website |
單獨 Exclusive |
單獨 Exclusive |
單獨 Exclusive |
網站頁面曝光 Logo on Official Website |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
網站部落格文章置入 (篇) Spotlight Blog Post on Official Website (posts) |
1 | 1 | 1 |
教室門口資訊看板 Logo on Room Entrance Banners |
大 Large |
中 Medium |
小 Small |
大看板露出 Logo on Board Backdrop |
大 Large |
中 Medium |
小 Small |
平面/數位 DM 品牌露出 Logo on Official Printed/Digital DM |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
文宣品品牌置入 (份) Your DM placed on Registraion Table (placement) |
2 | 1 | 1 |
講台看板曝光 Logo on Speaker Podium |
大 Large |
中 Medium |
小 Small |
攤位 Sponsor Table |
1 | 1 | 1 |
攤位旁看板空間* Banner Next to Sponsor Table* |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
百里級 Regional |
綠茵級 Local |
燿火級 Club |
總名額 Total Spots |
4 | 7 | 20 |
贊助金額 Amount |
$20,000 NTD ($670 USD) |
$8,000 NTD ($270 USD) |
$1,850 NTD ($60 USD) |
扣稅單據 Receipts for Tax |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ |
會前晚宴門票 (張) Pre-Camp Dinner (tickets) |
2 | 1 | 1 |
活動門票 (張) Conference Event (tickets) |
4 | 3 | 1 |
會後晚宴門票 (張) After Party (tickets) |
2 | 1 | 1 |
社群媒體曝光 (篇)* Social Media Promotions (posts)* |
1 | 1 | ✖️ |
網站致謝文 Thank-you Blog Post on Official Website |
集合 Shared |
集合 Shared |
集合 Shared |
網站頁面曝光 Logo on Official Website |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✖️ |
網站部落格文章置入 (篇) Spotlight Blog Post on Official Website (posts) |
✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
教室門口資訊看板 Logo on Room Entrance Banners |
次小 Smallest |
次小 Smallest |
✖️ |
大看板露出 Logo on Board Backdrop |
次小 Smallest |
次小 Smallest |
✖️ |
平面/數位 DM 品牌露出 Logo on Official Printed/Digital DM |
✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
文宣品品牌置入 (份) Your DM placed on Registraion Table (placement) |
✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
講台看板曝光 Logo on Speaker Podium |
✖️ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
攤位 Sponsor Table |
1 | 1 | ✖️ |
攤位旁看板空間* Banner Placement Next to Sponsor Table* |
✔️ | ✖️ | ✖️ |
星海級 Galaxy
總名額 Total Spots |
3 |
贊助金額 Amount |
$100,000 NTD ($3,350 USD) |
扣稅單據 Receipts for Tax |
✔️ |
會前晚宴門票 (張) Pre-Camp Dinner (tickets) |
4 |
活動門票 (張) Conference Event (tickets) |
7 |
會後晚宴門票 (張) After Party (tickets) |
4 |
社群媒體曝光 (篇)* Social Media Promotions (posts)* |
2 |
網站致謝文 Thank-you Blog Post on Official Website |
單獨 Exclusive |
網站頁面曝光 Logo on Official Website |
✔️ |
網站部落格文章置入 (篇) Spotlight Blog Post on Official Website (posts) |
1 |
教室門口資訊看板 Logo on Room Entrance Banners |
大 Large |
大看板露出 Logo on Board Backdrop |
大 Large |
平面/數位 DM 品牌露出 Logo on Official Printed/Digital DM |
✔️ |
文宣品品牌置入 (份) Your DM placed on Registraion Table (placement) |
2 |
講台看板曝光 Logo on Speaker Podium |
大 Large |
攤位 Sponsor Table |
1 |
攤位旁看板空間* Banner Next to Sponsor Table* |
✔️ |
環球級 Global
總名額 Total Spots |
4 |
贊助金額 Amount |
$65,000 NTD ($2,170 USD) |
扣稅單據 Receipts for Tax |
✔️ |
會前晚宴門票 (張) Pre-Camp Dinner (tickets) |
3 |
活動門票 (張) Conference Event (tickets) |
6 |
會後晚宴門票 (張) After Party (tickets) |
3 |
社群媒體曝光 (篇)* Social Media Promotions (posts)* |
2 |
網站致謝文 Thank-you Blog Post on Official Website |
單獨 Exclusive |
網站頁面曝光 Logo on Official Website |
✔️ |
網站部落格文章置入 (篇) Spotlight Blog Post on Official Website (posts) |
1 |
教室門口資訊看板 Logo on Room Entrance Banners |
中 Medium |
大看板露出 Logo on Board Backdrop |
中 Medium |
平面/數位 DM 品牌露出 Logo on Official Printed/Digital DM |
✔️ |
文宣品品牌置入 (份) Your DM placed on Registraion Table (placement) |
1 |
講台看板曝光 Logo on Speaker Podium |
中 Medium |
攤位 Sponsor Table |
1 |
攤位旁看板空間* Banner Next to Sponsor Table* |
✔️ |
天下級 National
總名額 Total Spots |
3 |
贊助金額 Amount |
$40,000 NTD ($1,350 USD) |
扣稅單據 Receipts for Tax |
✔️ |
會前晚宴門票 (張) Pre-Camp Dinner (tickets) |
3 |
活動門票 (張) Conference Event (tickets) |
5 |
會後晚宴門票 (張) After Party (tickets) |
3 |
社群媒體曝光 (篇)* Social Media Promotions (posts)* |
2 |
網站致謝文 Thank-you Blog Post on Official Website |
單獨 Exclusive |
網站頁面曝光 Logo on Official Website |
✔️ |
網站部落格文章置入 (篇) Spotlight Blog Post on Official Website (posts) |
1 |
教室門口資訊看板 Logo on Room Entrance Banners |
小 Small |
大看板露出 Logo on Board Backdrop |
小 Small |
平面/數位 DM 品牌露出 Logo on Official Printed/Digital DM |
✔️ |
文宣品品牌置入 (份) Your DM placed on Registraion Table (placement) |
1 |
講台看板曝光 Logo on Speaker Podium |
小 Small |
攤位 Sponsor Table |
1 |
攤位旁看板空間* Banner Next to Sponsor Table* |
✔️ |
百里級 Regional
總名額 Total Spots |
4 |
贊助金額 Amount |
$20,000 NTD ($670 USD) |
扣稅單據 Receipts for Tax |
✔️ |
會前晚宴門票 (張) Pre-Camp Dinner (tickets) |
2 |
活動門票 (張) Conference Event (tickets) |
4 |
會後晚宴門票 (張) After Party (tickets) |
2 |
社群媒體曝光 (篇)* Social Media Promotions (posts)* |
1 |
網站致謝文 Thank-you Blog Post on Official Website |
集合 Shared |
網站頁面曝光 Logo on Official Website |
✔️ |
網站部落格文章置入 (篇) Spotlight Blog Post on Official Website (posts) |
✖️ |
教室門口資訊看板 Logo on Room Entrance Banners |
次小 Smallest |
大看板露出 Logo on Board Backdrop |
次小 Smallest |
平面/數位 DM 品牌露出 Logo on Official Printed/Digital DM |
✖️ |
文宣品品牌置入 (份) Your DM placed on Registraion Table (placement) |
✖️ |
講台看板曝光 Logo on Speaker Podium |
✖️ |
攤位 Sponsor Table |
1 |
攤位旁看板空間* Banner Placement Next to Sponsor Table* |
✔️ |
綠茵級 Local
總名額 Total Spots |
7 |
贊助金額 Amount |
$8,000 NTD ($270 USD) |
扣稅單據 Receipts for Tax |
✔️ |
會前晚宴門票 (張) Pre-Camp Dinner (tickets) |
1 |
活動門票 (張) Conference Event (tickets) |
3 |
會後晚宴門票 (張) After Party (tickets) |
1 |
社群媒體曝光 (篇)* Social Media Promotions (posts)* |
1 |
網站致謝文 Thank-you Blog Post on Official Website |
集合 Shared |
網站頁面曝光 Logo on Official Website |
✔️ |
網站部落格文章置入 (篇) Spotlight Blog Post on Official Website (posts) |
✖️ |
教室門口資訊看板 Logo on Room Entrance Banners |
次小 Smallest |
大看板露出 Logo on Board Backdrop |
次小 Smallest |
平面/數位 DM 品牌露出 Logo on Official Printed/Digital DM |
✖️ |
文宣品品牌置入 (份) Your DM placed on Registraion Table (placement) |
✖️ |
講台看板曝光 Logo on Speaker Podium |
✖️ |
攤位 Sponsor Table |
1 |
攤位旁看板空間* Banner Placement Next to Sponsor Table* |
✖️ |
燿火級 Club
總名額 Total Spots |
20 |
贊助金額 Amount |
$1,850 NTD ($60 USD) |
扣稅單據 Receipts for Tax |
✖️ |
會前晚宴門票 (張) Pre-Camp Dinner (tickets) |
1 |
活動門票 (張) Conference Event (tickets) |
1 |
會後晚宴門票 (張) After Party (tickets) |
1 |
社群媒體曝光 (篇)* Social Media Promotions (posts)* |
✖️ |
網站致謝文 Thank-you Blog Post on Official Website |
集合 Shared |
網站頁面曝光 Logo on Official Website |
✖️ |
網站部落格文章置入 (篇) Spotlight Blog Post on Official Website (posts) |
✖️ |
教室門口資訊看板 Logo on Room Entrance Banners |
✖️ |
大看板露出 Logo on Board Backdrop |
✖️ |
平面/數位 DM 品牌露出 Logo on Official Printed/Digital DM |
✖️ |
文宣品品牌置入 (份) Your DM placed on Registraion Table (placement) |
✖️ |
講台看板曝光 Logo on Speaker Podium |
✖️ |
攤位 Sponsor Table |
✖️ |
攤位旁看板空間* Banner Placement Next to Sponsor Table* |
✖️ |
* 社群媒體曝光為多語、多平台。綠茵級與百里級贊助商可從 Facebook 或 Twitter 擇一,天下級以上贊助商可自行配對 2 則 Facebook 貼文或 1 則 Twitter + 1 則 Facebook 貼文
* Social media promotion is multi-language and on multichannel. Local and Regional sponsors can choose either Facebook or Twitter. Sponsorship level that is National and above can select 2 posts from Facebook or Twitter. Ex. 2 Facebook OR 1 Facebook post + 1 Tweet
** 攤位旁看板空間須自備易拉展或旗幟,場地不可張貼海報。
** You can bring your own rollup banner or flag. Posters on walls are prohibited.