WordCamp 是一場國際級的 WordPress 使用者聚會,我們希望藉由這樣的活動平台,讓使用者與愛好者們,能夠在這樣的盛會中,不分身份、階級,互相交流 WordPress 的使用經驗。不以盈利為導向,而是希望能夠讓社群有更多正面的刺激。
- 會前講者、贊助商與工作人員的交流場地和晚餐
- 活動場地、活動中的點心、飲品
- 會後全體與會夥伴的交流場地和晚宴
- 第一部分我們會希望安排的是餐廳空間和飲食,此部分尚在尋覓中,開放贊助夥伴認領此需求。
- 第二部分場地已經確認,而活動中的點心飲品開放贊助夥伴認領。
- 第三部分場地還在尋覓,預期開放 200 至 300 人的交流空間與外燴餐點和酒水,亦開放贊助夥伴認領。
- 造型便利貼
造型貼紙- 悠遊卡貼紙
- 環保袋
- 飲料提袋
- 採訪專區佈置
- 拍照背板
- DM
- 識別證
- 餐券、飲料券
- 志工 & 講者 t-shirt
Call for In-Kind sponsor has ended. Thank you for all the support!
Become an In-Kind Sponsor
WordCamps are international WordPress conferences, where WordPress users and enthusiasts unite together to share their experiences regardless of race and age. The main goal of WordCamp is a non-profit conference to create a positive stimulus in the WordPress community.
To create a wonderful event experience for all the speakers and attendees, we would like to provide everyone with a comfortable event venue and healthy refreshment.
WordCamp Taipei 2019 will be divided into three parts:
- Pre-event dinner: we will have a venue that provides dinner for speakers, sponsors and volunteers
- Event day: we will have a full-day event venue, and provide lunch, snacks and drinks
- After party: we will have a venue and provide food and drinks for attendees
We need the following help:
- For pre-event dinner, we are looking for restaurant dinner sponsorship.
- For the event day, we’ve already booked the venue. Now we are looking for food and drinks sponsorship.
- For After Party, we will need a venue that can accommodate 200-300 people including food and drinks.
Besides event venues, food and drinks, we are looking for printing sponsorship:
- Custom post-it notes
- Custom stickers (Already get sponsored)
- EasyCard stickers
- Reusable bag
- Cup sleeve
- Decorations for an interview area
- Display board
- Event brochure
- Name Badge
- Drink/Food Token
- Volunteer & Speaker’s T-shirt
In-kind sponsors could be upgraded as other sponsorship levels according to its cash value. If the cash value of the services or products does not meet any sponsorship levels, we will list you as “In-Kind Sponsor.”