今年 WordCamp Taipei 2019 將於 12 月 28 日舉辦,WordCamp 是聚集各路 WordPress 使用者、開發者與設計師等等,對 WordPress 有興趣者的年度型國際交流活動,預計本次將超過 500 人參與,因此我們需要你的幫忙。
✅ 歡迎加入我們!現在就申請成為志工
WordPress 是個開放原始碼的網站製作工具,是由全世界各地的志工夥伴們,無私奉獻自己的時間,共同遠端協作而成,他不僅幫助人們輕鬆在網路上發聲,更在無形中拉近了全世界各地、所有 WordPress 愛好者的距離。
WordPress 簡單好操作,卻又不失彈性,在全世界累積廣大的使用群,從 2006 年起,在全世界各地舉辦了超過一千場的 WordCamp 會議,讓所有 WordPress 的愛好者,都能在會議當天齊聚一堂交流與學習。
2018 年,在台北也成功的舉辦了台灣第一場的 WordCamp 會議,當時匯集了 28 位志工夥伴,大家利用業餘的時間,一起協力籌備,過程中的箇中滋味,在一年後的今天,大家仍然記憶猶新,不論是酸甜苦辣,都讓每位志工對開源社群、以及全世界各地的志工協作模式,有更深一層的認識。
今天,我們特別邀請到了幾位去年的志工夥伴,與大家分享他們擔任 WordCamp 志工的心得感想,揭開這個角色的神秘面紗,並且將開源精神傳承下去。
阿竣 總召
「想起 WordCamp Taipei 2018 嘴角就會上揚,覺得自己好像太衝,笑自己那股傻勁。其實舉辦之前,自己對於 WordCamp 目標覺得還有一段距離,也不知道為何,被種種緣分碰撞後,最後頭也不回的就給他拼了!不得不說,籌辦真的是一場艱難奮戰,到底會有多少人願意一起努力?到底會有多少人來參加?到底這場活動會要花多少錢?這些問題完全沒有概念。
郭晉宏 Randy 場地組+報到組
「大家對 WordPress 的熱情,透過每個月的 Meetup 小聚慢慢增溫,最後舉辦 WordCamp Taipei 活動成功,在活動當志工的當日,會場來回穿梭時,更聽到現場外國人士對此次活動的稱讚,後續我也因為這場活動,認識了很多合作的好夥伴。
很有榮幸參與台灣第一屆的 WordCamp Taipei 2018 的志工,這段期間我看到從這場活動從籌備、招商、售票、舉辦一氣呵成,所有的人都是抓緊自己有限的時間,無私的來奉獻,表現出來的速度與成果,是很多專業公司都辦不到的效率。」
如果時間允許,2019 的 WordCamp Taipei 大家一定要來支持,除了參加活動外,參加志工可以學到、看到更多有趣的東西,歡迎來參加。
WordCamp Taipei 2019 will be hosted on December 28. All the WordPress users, developers and designers will gather at this event. We plan to have more than 500 attendees so we need your help!
Call for Volunteer
✅ Apply and join us now!
Start Date: 09/26/19
Close Date: Until we have enough volunteers
Notify Date: First come, first served
Roles: MC, Photographer, Video Recorder, Interviewer
WordPress is an open source website builder, developed remotely by volunteers around the globe. Through WordPress, people share not only their ideas online but also be connected with and get closer.
WordPress is simple to use and flexible, which makes it popular and used by millions of people all over the world. Since 2006, local communities have organized thousands of WordCamps. All WordPress users came to join the event to share their experiences and learn together.
In 2018, Taiwan’s first-ever WordCamp was held in Taipei. 28 volunteers spent their spare time to organize the event. Memories of planning WordCamp Taipei 2018 were still fresh even though it has been one year. Due to the event, volunteers have become more familiar with the open source community and the collaborative approach between volunteers from all over the world.
Today, we invite last year’s volunteers to share their experiences. They will talk about what they have done for WordCamp, reveal the role of volunteers, and pass on the spirit of open source.
See the experience sharing from last year’s volunteers!
Chun – the lead organizer of WordCamp Taipei 2018
WordCamp Taipei 2018 is a wonderful memory for me. Whenever I recall the event, I am still thinking if it’s an impulsive move to host the event. I wasn’t sure if we could pull this off, but we did! Planning the event is a really hard process. We did not know how many volunteers will come to help, how many people will show up at the event, and how much will the event cost. I had no idea what to do.
I doubt myself many times and wondered if we set the goal too high. Fortunately, we have support from the WordPress community. When we had to face problems or pressure, people in the WordPress community would come forward and lend us a hand to help us conquer everything. I am very grateful for everyone who had helped. “Where your mind goes, you go.” I believe this is why we could make the event a success.
Randy – venue team & registration volunteer
Through monthly WordPress meetups, people with a shared interest in WordPress got together to make WordCamp Taipei 2018 happen. As one of the volunteers, I have heard lots of foreign attendees paying compliments to the event. I also met new friends and built collaborative relationships due to the event.
I am proud to volunteer for Taiwan’s first-ever WordCamp. The whole event planning process was smooth. All the organizers and volunteers squeezed out their time to prepare for the event. The outcome is amazing. The efficiency of putting together WordCamp Taipei could even exceed other event planning professionals.
If time allows, we hope everyone could attend WordCamp Taipei 2019. As a volunteer, you will get an inside look at the planning stages of the conference. Welcome to join us!