Call for Speaker has closed.
今年是台灣 WordPress 小聚快速成長的一年,現在台北每個月都有 (內湖中文、內湖英文、板橋、中永和) 四場以上,除了台北也有新竹、台中、南投、彰化與台南的小聚活動,小聚的目的不是在學習,而是「分享」與「溝通」,分享的目的在於找到與您有共鳴的使用者;而溝通才是互相學習的最佳方式。
不論您有沒有參與過實體的小聚活動,在 Facebook 上的「WordPress 正體中文社群」也是一種與大家互動的方式,當您分享了一篇文章,被按了讚、被讀者吐槽、被使用者批評,也是一種互動。最強大的互動就是先站在台上分享你的得意、傲人、辛苦的傑作,然後面對台下所有聽眾的崇拜、提問或批評,通過的勇者,才能得到 WordCamp 講者徽章!

有別於去年,今年的挑戰更容易,因為我們將會有更多的議程,更廣的議題,因此我們需要更多的講者,從入門到進階,從經營到開發,只要跟「WordPress 相關的經驗」,都歡迎您來投稿,走進社群,步出世界。
我們歡迎任何有關 WordPress 的主題。WordCamp 的魅力,在於它集結了各式各樣的講者陣容,為廣大的聽眾帶來高品質的內容。不僅僅是開發者,我們也同時在尋找各個領域的高手,以及更多啟發人心的故事。只要您的主題符合下列範圍,歡迎進行投稿:
- 電子商務 (WooCommerce, e-commerce)
- 設計 (Design) : UI, UX
- 開發:主題、外掛、API、程式碼撰寫等 (Developer-focus: plugin, theme, API, code, advance development, etc)
- 網站安全、資料管理、隱私 (security, data management, privacy)
- 企業經營或專案管理:經營、網站、客戶、專案或部落格管理。(business and project management: manage a small business, website, clients, projects, blogger)
- SEO、SEM、行銷、轉換率、廣告 (marketing, conversion, advertising)
- WordPress 初學或入門相關(WordPress for beginners)
- 標準演講 (Long Talk):總長 25 分鐘 + 10 分鐘的問答時間。
- 閃電秀 (Light Talk):於現場報名。
WordCamp Taipei 2019 是台灣一年一度的大型 WordPress 國際盛會,不論你有沒有演講經驗,只要對 WordPress 有愛、願意站出來跟大夥分享您的「WordPress 經驗」,我們都很歡迎喔!
WordCamp Taipei 2019 的講者招募,將持續到 2019 年 8 月 15 日,請有興趣的夥伴及早報名。以下是我們的遴選流程與時間:
- 講者公開招募(2019 年 7 月 15 日)
- 講者公開招募截止(2019 年 8 月 15 日)
- 講者遴選內部作業(2019 年 8 月 20 日)
- 通知獲選講者(2019 年 9 月 20 日)
- 公布講者名單(2019 年 9 月 25 日)
準備好成為 WordCamp Taipei 的講者了嗎?
這是台灣的 WordPress 社群第二年度的 WordCamp Taipei 盛會,大家聚集到這裡學習新技巧、汲取新靈感、結交新朋友。我們很高興能夠邀請來自各個領域的專家或愛好者來到這個舞台,我們也誠摯地邀請您來到這裡分享您寶貴的想法與技巧。另外您將獲得:
- WordCamp Taipei 2019 門票 x 1
- 講者晚宴門票 x 1
- WordCamp 講者徽章 x 1
- 講者限定t-shirt x 1
- WordCamp 大會網站宣傳
在您投稿之後,我們會透過下列這個電子郵件帳號跟您聯絡,基本上不會透過電話的方式 (除非特別需要),若您收到來路不明的郵件要求您提供任何資訊,都可以與我們查證。
所有演講將會被錄影,後製編輯後上傳到 wordcamp.tv
Meet People, Meet the World.
This year is the fastest growing year of WordPress meetups in Taiwan. Other than regular monthly meetups in Taipei city, there are many new meetups host in various cities in Taiwan (Hsinchu, Taichung, Nantou, Changhua, and Tainan). The main goal of participating in meetups is not learning but sharing and communicating. Sharing to find someone who has the same interests. Communicating to find the best method of learning.
Whether you have physically attended the regular WordPress meetups, participating in the Facebook WordPress Taiwan group is also a way of engaging with the WordPress community.
Other than sharing at the monthly meetups, what can be more exciting and challenging than coming up on the stage sharing your knowledge and experience to a large group of audience at WordCamp Taipei? Plus, you can get a WordCamp speaker badge.

We welcome speakers from all different backgrounds and industries to share their knowledge and learnings.
What topic should I apply with?
We are welcoming for all kinds of WordPress related topics from a diverse lineup of speakers to inspire our broad audience. We are looking for speakers from all different backgrounds to share their inspirational stories, knowledge, and experience. There are a few categories of WordPress related topics we list below for your reference:
- E-commerce, WooCommerce
- Design: UI, UX
- Developer-focused: theme, plugin, API, coding, advanced development, etc
- Security, data management, and privacy
- Business and project management: manage a small business, website, clients, projects, blogger.
- SEO, SEM, marketing, conversion, advertising
- WordPress for Beginners
How long should your presentation be?
- Long talks – 35 minutes in total (25 mins for the talk & 10 mins for Q&A).
- Lightning talks – sign up on-site
Is public speaking experience required?
Whether it will be your first time speaking or you’re a seasoned public speaker, if you are willing to share your WordPress experience and knowledge, we welcome you to apply for becoming a speaker.
Application process and dates (Taipei UTC+8):
WordCamp Taipei 2019 speaker application is open till August 15th. Do not hesitate and submit your application here. We want to hear from you!
- Call for speakers begins from July 15th, 2019
- Speaker application close on August 15th, 2019
- Internal selection process from August 20th, 2019
- Selected speakers will be informed on September 20th, 2019
- Speaker announcement and agenda published on September 25, 2019
Are you ready to speak at WordCamp Taipei?
This is the second year we host WordCamp Taipei, to gather everyone at the same place to hear from the experts, be inspired, and make new friends. We are glad to invite experts from all different backgrounds and industries to share their thoughts and knowledge at WordCamp Taipei.
Selected speakers will be entitled to:
- One admission ticket to the WordCamp Taipei 2019
- One seat to speakers & sponsors dinner
- WordCamp Speaker Badge
- Speaker t-shirt
- Featured on WordCamp Taipei 2019 website
Special Notice
After submitting your speaker application, we will contact you through taipei@wordcamp.org. We will not contact you through phone unless there’s an emergency or special request. If you receive email from other email address on behalf of WordCamp Taipei asking you to provide any information, please do not hesitate to contact taipei@wordcamp.org for confirmation.
All talks will be recorded, edited and uploaded to wordcamp.tv by WordCamp Taipei 2019 organizers.