講者聚光燈 Speaker Spotlight: Dreb Bitanghol

Youngest of 4. I was raised and grew up in the southernmost countryside of the Philippines. I have fondness in traveling, climbing, night camp and almost anything outdoors. It was back in 2013 when I took the leap and traveled to Thailand alone, embracing the backpacking and nomad lifestyle briefly. Been to several foreign countries, both for work, WordPress and personal excursions.

In my spare time or after work, I spend time watching anime shows and foreign movies, sometimes playing mobile games. I used to have Gameboy Color and secretly wanting to own a Nintendo console.

If I wasn’t making things with WordPress as a career, I may be a photographer by then.

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講者聚光燈 Speaker Spotlight: 陳顯立 / Andy Chen

大數據當道的年代,數據為王,品牌主爭先建立自有大數據平台的同時,往往陷入為有而有卻不知所以然的泥淖中,費盡心機在同一個池子裡一撈再撈,好比在同一個區域裡掏金,徒然刷一個存在感,卻無法創造商機與獲利。 富盈數據陳顯立說:「大數據時代的價值不在於擁有數據本身,而是解讀數據,要用對的方法及能力篩選出有用資訊,才能找到新的商業機會。」

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