網站營運成長駭客 / Growth Hacking Website Management

搜尋引擎優化 Search Engine Optimization

  1. 經營擁有被動流量的網站
  2. Google 搜尋引擎運作原理
  3. 搜尋引擎如何解讀網頁
  4. 如何做好網站搜尋引擎優化

流量變現 Traffic Monetization

  1. 經營擁有被動收益的網站
  2. 聯播網廣告運作原理
  3. 廣告版位、廣告樣式、廣告計價模式
  4. 如何優化被動收益成效

Accessibility of the WordPress Mobile Apps / WordPress 網站與手機應用程式設計的無障礙使用探討

Mobile devices provide an extraordinary opportunity to deliver a superior mobile experience to every user. But still, we, the Mobile Team at Automattic, faced some interesting challenges when we tried to make the WordPress Mobile Apps more accessible. This talk, by one of the developers involved in overcoming some of those challenges, will review the accessibility tools both iOS and Android provide, and will contain first hand information on the way we develop and test the WordPress Mobile Apps, always making accessibility one of our highest priorities, to make sure that we provide the experience that our users expect.