Category: 技術性
Building a Better Web with Engineering Best Practices / 使用工程設計打造好網站的最佳實踐
As you start out your journey with WordPress, it’s very common to take out a piece or two of code and inspirations from other projects. However, most of these aren’t up for standard and potentially unsecured. Beginners would likely follow the same route and practice of coding. In this session, Dreb will talk about key best practices in building standard, secured and performant WordPress websites — leading to a better web experience for everyone.
1秒鐘的奮戰:WordPress 網站優化的愛恨情仇 / WordPress Optimize: A Love-hate Relationship
時速 200 麥的 WordPress 接案術 / How to Use the Docker for the WordPress Localhost Environment
在承接 WordPress 客製化開發的案件中,使用本機環境是增加效率的必要條件,現今的本機環境搭建軟體多半是採用虛擬機,在執行效率上算是差強人意,因此我們採用近期非常火紅的容器管理軟體 Docker,並搭配號稱地表最快的 WordPress 虛擬機 Kusanagi 來設計自己的本機開發環境!