超神準,30 秒測出適合你的佈景 / Super Precise, 30 Seconds to Get Your Most Suitable Theme

還卡關在選擇哪個模版?到底要不要裝這個外掛?你是不是買過很多外掛、模版,最後晾在一旁、不了了之?讓 Wendy 用 UI/UX、前端工程師雙棲的經驗,告訴你如何輕鬆愉快地利用企業識別、人格特質與心理狀態,就找到最適合現階段網站開發的各式工具、模版,從此蓋一個網站,最多就買一組Themes!

Organize a Meetup in Your City / 你的城市,你的社群小聚

Attending and organizing local WordPress Meetups is a great and enjoyable way to learn a lot of things! I’ll share with you how my life has changed by organizing Meetups and how you can start organizing and being involved in local Meetups in your neighborhood or city.

How to Create Traveling Business Blog about Taiwan / 如何建立商業取向的台灣旅遊部落格

I’m Japanese bloger who has lived in Tainan for 3 three years. I make traveling blog of Taiwan for Japanese people. How do Japanese get to travel information? How to make the effective SEO WordPress blog? Taiwanese people still use PIXNET. Few years ago, Japanese also use Ameblo which is like PIXNET. But now many people use WordPress blog. I want to introduce to Japanese WordPress blog history and SEO.

Building a Better Web with Engineering Best Practices / 使用工程設計打造好網站的最佳實踐

As you start out your journey with WordPress, it’s very common to take out a piece or two of code and inspirations from other projects. However, most of these aren’t up for standard and potentially unsecured. Beginners would likely follow the same route and practice of coding. In this session, Dreb will talk about key best practices in building standard, secured and performant WordPress websites — leading to a better web experience for everyone.